What Sets Sigma Mixers Apart From Other Mixing Equipment?

Sigma mixers are often referred to as "Universal Mixers" because of their exceptional adaptability. They are capable of handling batches of materials with viscosities ranging from incredibly thin to incredibly thick. The universal kneading and mixing machine's rectangular trough at the base curves to create two half-cylinders. This is the machine's basic construction. It can be controlled by using the proper gearing on either the top or bottom of the trough. It also features two horizontally aligned blades. The blades cover the entire surface area of the half-cylinder with each revolution. The batch experiences both lateral and transverse motion as a result of their different and uneven rotational rates. The blades will thoroughly mix every particle in the batch because of the little space between them and the trough. This occurs as a result of the batch's continual motion caused by the blades spinning through it. The saddle, sidewalls, and blades are blending a...